From Supermodel to Designer: Yliana Yepez Dishes on Her Handbag Line

Yliana YepezDesigner, wife, and mother of five, Parisian born Venezuelan Yliana Yepez, has had a life full of runway shows, diplomatic parties, and globetrotting. Drawing on this background Yepez moved to New York ready to take on the Big Apple and start her own line of handbags. After four years of dedication and perseverance, (and a little of America’s strange business practices) Yepez is launching a new line of handbags set to release this August. The collection merges her travels, design experience, and her busy lifestyle to create a sophisticated and functional look that is going to beg for a place in your closet.

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Oscar Carvallo Spring/Summer Couture

carvallo_springPhoto Courtesy of Oscar Carvallo

Oscar Carvallo is one of those luxury designers that is capable of carrying the wearer to an entirely different world, and this is elegantly portrayed in his most recent Spring/Summer Couture collection. This mythical line transports onlookers to childhood fairy tales of delightful fantasy lands filled with whimsical characters— and we’re all for it. Continue reading “Oscar Carvallo Spring/Summer Couture”